Much Ado Mountain is a short, relaxing platformer that tells the story of a robot who dreams of achieving the impossible. Our robot lives in a small village, and he sets out on a journey to find the tools he needs. Along the way, he encounters many challenges, but he never gives up on his dream: to be the first robot to reach the summit of Much Ado Mountain!

Inspired by Knytt Stories by Nifflas!

Downloadable versions below.


MuchAdoMountain.exe 37 MB
Download 24 MB


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holy smokes i love the vibe of this game man! it's also so dang cute bro! mayb one of best metroidvanias evaa!!!!!

Thank you so much :)


i love this game a lot man! keep it up!

(2 edits) (+1)

i didn't expect that pressing the escape button would cause me to lose all my progress, so that's irritating. besides that, very nice knytt-stories like game. i tried to imitate the feel of knytt stories before but i was nowhere near this successful. one other small thing is that it might be better to give players the  running ability sooner, or have denser obstacles, because there were some stretches where there was a bit too much slow walking in the beginning.

(1 edit) (+1)

Cool! I like the atmospheric music and environment textures. I didn't get very far (just a little bit further than you show in the trailer) but I enjoyed it and might come back when I have more energy (ha)

Awesome! I am pretty proud of how the environment looks (for my level of artistic ability) and the ambient sounds/music adds a lot to the game I think. Thanks a lot for playing!